The Mediterranean diet is known as one of the healthiest diets in the world thanks to the great variety of vegetables, fruits, legumes, meat, fish, seafood, ... everything super fresh and especially our precious olive oil.
Within this rich diet, Formentera has its own rich traditional dishes that only the house and local restaurants are 100% correct, thousands of people come back year after year to taste our famous dishes, in particular rice, fish and seafood, but there are countless other dishes.
Rent a Car San Fernando wants to suggest some of the richest in the hope that our customers can know and ask for when they arrive on the island. To begin to open the mouth, we have the typical "insalata di Pagesa" that at the place of the lattuga is based on a fresh bread and potatoes, as well as peppers, grapefruits, cucumber and the very rich fish. Then there is a great variety of rice, stews or rolls with fish, meat or seafood; we suggest a good "rotit" fish stew, "gallo de San Pedro" or the very rare pork, but there are also less known and very appreciated fishes that produce a delicious "bullit" or roll, such as serranos, mucche, radici, "rascasas", .... and with the brodo there is always a delicious band of rice and all this innaffiato with a good wine from the wine cellars that we have in La Mola or Cap de Barberia. And to finish a good dessert, the typical "flaó", a cake of cheese and a good, exquisite erba, a "graixonera", a kind of pudding, also very good or some dry chips with Freco goat cheese, a prelibatezza for the palate. And, of course, we finish off the meal with a glass of one of our traditional beers.
NOLEGGIO DI UN'AUTO SAN FERNANDO encourages you to come to Formentera to taste our traditional cuisine.
To assaporare the traditional gastronomy of Formentera, Rent A Car San Fernando has a wide range of vegetables based on the needs of each client and to advise, we always have an expert who can advise where to taste these traditional delicacies of Formentera.
Spero ti sia piaciuto !!!!!!!
Noleggio auto San Fernando.