Formentera, the origin of its name
Rent a Car San Fernando brings you closer to Formentera , you can visit Formentera in any month of the year and Rent a Car San Fernando , will be happy to give you the service of car rental and motorcycle rental. Formentera holds many mysteries, and among them is the origin of its name. It is one of its great mysteries. Historians have tried to find an answer to this question, but to date there is no answer. It is difficult to reach a consensus. "Ophiusa" for the Greeks , the meaning, Island of snakes. "Colubraria" for the Romans , the Romans chose this name to describe our island. It means Island of Snakes . "Frumentaria" in the late Middle Ages XIII century means Wheat Island. "Formontoria" for the ArabsThe Latin word "Promontoria" named the area with the capes of Barbería and Mola. Finally, to confuse us completely, it should be said that the Turks, from the 15th century onwards, called it"Koyunluca", which means "Ovejera" and, as is evident, bears no phonetic resemblance, no matter how far-fetched it may be, with the current name. And there are still many more names and stories that passed through this small piece of land surrounded by the Mediterranean called Formentera. Whatever the origin of its name, we accept the mystery as one more part of its charms. In the same way that Formentera is different for each of those who visit it, let us accept the mystery of its name and let it be the task of each one to imagine its origin as it fascinates them the most. To know it will not touch more remedy than to visit Formentera, for what Rent a Car San Fernando is more than willing to help as well as to plan a vacation with direct contact with our nature. COME AND ENJOY FORMENT OF FORMENTERA. We hope you liked it !!!!!!!Rent a Car San Fernando